
How to Prepare Your Business for SALE!

Did you know businesses owned by women are statistically more likely to close than sell? Not on our watch at The Ginsburg Firm and not anymore.

This session by career entrepreneur and CEO of The Ginsburg Firm, Fleur Madden takes business owners from fear and uncertainty on HOW to sell and IF they have anything to sell, to confident and ready to go to market for a sales process. Fleur is committed to seeing more business owners take more money off the table

You’ve invested in starting and growing your business, now it is time to invest in your ultimate payday for all your hard work and sacrifice – your business sale!

The best time to prepare for a sale is a few years before you are ready, so if you are a business owner who wants to sell one day, then this is for you!

Key Takeaways:

  1. Identifying your business assets and what needs work to be able to sell
  2. Team Structures- Perfect org chart for an exit, roles to fill, where do the relationships fall?
  3. Systems and Process needed in your business for a sale
  4. Identifying your buyers and how to present your business for sale
  5. Putting together your Sales Deck for prospective buyers


Fleur Madden, CEO, The Ginsburg Firm

Fleur Madden is a career entrepreneur with 20 years in business running 4 of her own companies and successfully exiting 3. She is an award-winning businesswoman, experienced CEO/Founder/ Board Director, recognized industry expert and women in business speaker who was recently recognized as being in the Top 25 Business Women in Brisbane.

She is the CEO and Founder of The Ginsburg Firm, a consulting group that coaches Female Founders to scale or sell their business, supporting them to make money on the way UP and OUT. She is on a mission to change the fact that women business owners are more likely to close their businesses than they are to sell. In 2024 Fleur sold women’s jobs site Freelancing Gems which helps women redefine their 9 to 5 by connecting them to their next meaningful part time, freelance, contract roles – she was the cofounder and CEO. She is passionate about the advancement of women, the future of work for women, diversity, inclusion, closing the gender pay gap and women being paid what they are worth.

Fleur started her first company The Red Republic at 23 that she sold 14 years later to a multinational listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Along her journey, she has acquired other businesses, founded an online beauty company Lulu and Lipstick that she sold in 2016, where just prior her makeup brushes were in the gift bags for the 2016 Oscars.

Fleur is a BIG believer that when women thrive, our communities thrive, and therefore works tirelessly raising funds and awareness for her chosen charities that support women and their children, The Forgotten Woman, Women’s Legal Service and The Children’s Hospital Foundation. Fleur has experience sitting on and reporting into boards – currently sitting on the Legacy Board for the Children’s Hospital Foundation and was on the board and Asia Pacific Chairman for PROI, the world’s leading professional organization for PR agencies.

You might have seen Fleur over the years in articles in The Collective, Marie Claire, Latte, Today Extra, Studio Ten and The Urban List. She has spoken at conferences around the world in Hong Kong, LA, NYC, Atlanta, South Africa and also in Australia.

Her favourite saying driving her in business is “Don’t Play Small.”


10:00 am • 90 minutes


The Ginsburg Firm



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